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1. Make a donation

Do you want to support Fietsbieb with a financial contribution? You can!
Transfer your donation to account BE17 0689 3690 3021 - Sociaal Engagement.
With the reference: donation Fietsbieb and, if desired, your name and surname.
Your contribution will be used for the further development of Fietsbieb.

It is currently not possible for Fietsbieb to issue tax certificates.


2. Donate a membership

A membership at Fietsbieb costs €20 per year. For some people, this is still too much. That is why it is possible to pay a (deferred) membership for a child who can use a bicycle from Fietsbieb in this way.

Transfer your donation to account BE17 0689 3690 3021 - Sociaal Engagement.
With the reference: donation membership and, if desired, your name and surname.

 cadeaubon fietsbieb